
Elizabeth Kirby

Beth was born in Vault 76 in 2081, four years after the bombs fell. Following in her parents’ footsteps, she was trained in both spycraft and diplomacy as part of a team that was intended to ensure that the region did not fall completely into anarchy as society began to re-form. She has mostly been operating as a freelancer to keep her finger on the pulse of Appalachia’s various factions and their power struggles.

A tall, fiery redhead, Beth is very conventionally attractive and uses her attractiveness and charisma as one of the most effective tools at her disposal.

Odessa Valdez

Odessa, a Scribe with the Brotherhood of Steel, came to Appalachia from California as part of an expedition to determine the fate of the original Appalachian Brotherhood, only to learn that it had fallen fighting the plague that had ravaged the region. She is exceptionally intelligent and capable, and is one of the most highly respected members of the Brotherhood in Appalachia.

Odessa’s parents, the “Knights Valdez,” were among the first recruits of the original Brotherhood of Steel, and she’s known no life other than as part of the Brotherhood. She was engaged to a fellow Knight, but that engagement ended when her fiancé delivered an ultimatum and forced her to choose between him and the expedition to Appalachia. Her heart was broken, but that ultimatum told her all she needed to know about what a life with him would be like. She’s been nursing that broken heart ever since, rebuffing every romantic overture - and there have been a lot of them.

Amanda Otis

Amanda is Beth’s best friend, a Raider and the proprietor of “The Spider’s Web,” a bar nestled in the heart of Raider territory. She is both respected and feared, and earned the nickname “Heartbreaker” - “H.B.” for short - growing up.

Amanda was one of the first people that Beth met after leaving the Vault, and they quickly fell into an intense, torrid, but ultimately toxic relationship that ended very badly. They reconciled after Beth was assigned to retrieve a young Enclave lieutenant who had fallen under Amanda’s spell. Amanda experienced a great deal of trauma growing up in the Wasteland, which made her ruthless and often brutal but instilled a strong (if skewed) moral code, the scars on her face serving as an outward sign of some of that trauma, but somehow not diminishing her beauty.

Andrew Kirby

Beth’s father, Andrew, is a former MI5 and MI6 officer who, with his wife Elise, joined a program spearheaded by Vault-Tec and the US & UK governments to train Vault residents in statecraft, diplomacy, and intelligence gathering. Prior to the Great War, he taught classes at Vault-Tec University. Beth will always be his little girl, and he is fiercely protective of her.